Appetite Obscure Workshop: TEST KITCHEN

Make food art together on the fly. No experience or prep required!


Dear diners,

After 15 years of Bay Area shenanigans, I am moving to NYC (see tearful facebook post for details). 5/27 is the big day. Right now I have no job and am spending as much time as possible with friends, so if you’d like to connect before then (or have folks in NY you think I’d like) shoot me a note!

In New York I plan to spin up Appetite Obscure for a whole new audience who have never heard of it before. That’s why I developed this workshop, which I want to share with you before I go.

In this workshop we will work in pairs to create a series of food-based interactions. We will get into our bodies and keep things moving, rotating partners every few minutes with each new prompt. No experience or preparation is required, and all ingredients will be provided for you.

The goal of this workshop is threefold:
1. Big fun
2. Creative brainflex
3. Learning tips and techniques from a whole decade of Appetites Obscure

Come kind of hungry but not too hungry. And if you have any particularly fun props or ingredients you want to come share, bring them!

Book your tickets now:
Appetite Obscure: Test Kitchen (Sunday 4/21 at 4p, Wednesday 4/23 at 6p, and Sunday 4/28 at 4p)

Space is limited to 12 participants for each workshop. Tickets are $20 suggested, sliding scale down to $5. We’re still workshopping the workshop, so improv folks, clowns, and immersive art folks are especially encouraged to come and give feedback! We’re starting with three dates and will add more if there’s interest—any dates that don’t hit a minimum attendance of 6 people will be canceled and refunded.

Finally, if you are interested hosting a private event for a group of 8-12 friends, email me. This could be really fun to host at a community house.

Yours edibly,