Appetite Obscure's final workshop is in San Francisco!

This is our last workshop before Albert leaves for New York City! It’s a small, intimate setting, so book your tickets now. The event is Tuesday, 5/21, at 7pm. Tickets are $50, attendance capped at 20. If cost is a hardship, shoot me an email and we’ll work it out 🙂 <3, Albert

Appetite Obscure: A Surrealist Food Workshop

Welcome to Appetite Obscure, where we explore strange new frontiers of culinary art! In this mind-bending interactive workshop, you'll dive into a world where taste, sight, sound, and touch converge in unexpected ways, igniting your senses and stretching up your imagination. 

For more than a decade, Appetite Obscure has hosted surrealist dinners where people come together to share food-based interactive art. In this 90-minute workshop, you'll learn the principles behind creating an interactive dish of your own. First you'll learn how to construct a nutritious and well-balanced bite, then we'll explore bizarre and playful ways to serve food to each other. By the end of the evening, you'll have created an entirely original dish and shared it with your fellow diners!

Here’s some example dishes created in previous workshops:

  • A beach-eating simulation where the diner must consume their meal as other diners make seagull sounds and try to swipe their snacks

  • A trip to the doctor’s office in which a glove, mounted as if it were the diner’s hand, is dissected to reveal it’s stuffed with ingredients that don’t belong there (and which, of course, must be diagnosed and eaten)

  • A guided meditation where whipped cream is used to open the diner’s third eye, culminating in a progression of sweet or sour bites depending on the diner’s psychic state

All these dishes came solely from the imagination of participants like you! No experience or preparation is necessary; simply come with an open mind and a willingness to explore. All ingredients will be provided.

This special event will be held in a secret venue nestled in the heart of Pacific Heights - the exact location will be unveiled 24 hours before the event. 

Come hungry, but not too hungry. These things always feed our hearts more than our stomachs. 

Faisons bombance! Let us make the feast!